The inflammatory phase lasts 3 days provided you rest, and get the inflammation under control. However, the more you irritate the injury, the longer it can take. The immune system is in process of repairing the injured tissues, making them more sensitive. During this phase you should do general unloaded movements to clear out the swelling.


After 72 hours, we enter the fibroblastic phase. Fibroblasts are your builder cells that lay down new fibers, rebuilding the tensegrity of the tissue. This phase lasts more or less 3 weeks. In this phase, you can begin more movements for mobility, appropriate loading, and strengthening. Starting this as soon as possible ensures the tissue doesn't become rigid.


This stage can be as short as 3 weeks, however; for serious injuries the remodelling can continue for up to a year. Thats why a guided return to sports can be helpful with you physio. Phase 3 is all about rebuilding the tissues capacity through guided resistance training. The time frames mentioned are generalised guidelines for injury type averages. Completing phase 3 guidelines for the appropriate amount of time ensure a return to your sport of choice with the tissue integrity that has remodelled to ensure no risk of re-injury.